Trade Talks by Swedish Chambers

You can subscibe to our trade promotion webinars at Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce, including TRADE TALKS by Swedish Chambers. You can choose to take part of the webinars live or see the recordings afterwards on our website or Youtube channel.

TRADE TALKS by Swedish Chambers is a joint initiative by the regional Chambers of Commerce in Sweden. It consists series of webinars hosted by experienced experts from our chamber network worldwide.

Through Trade Talks you get access to the latest updates and analysis on current markets. The webinars are built in dialogue with experts from both Swedish and foreign Chambers of Commerce, other relevant market experts, as well as companies and organizations that can provide experience and lessons learned from respective markets. You can choose to take part of the webinars live or see them digitally afterwards.

Learn more and take part of the previous webinars here below or via our Youtube channel.


Handelskammaren Jönköpings län  Mellansvenska Handelskammaren  Handelskammaren Mittsverige  Handelskammaren Mälardalen Norrbottens Handelskammare Stockholms Handelskammare  Handelskammaren Värmland  Västerbottens Handelskammare  Västsvenska Handelskammaren  Östsvenska Handelskammaren 

Team Sweden Norrbotten

Our Trade Talks and Trade Promotion webinars by Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce are part of Team Sweden Norrbotten. We offer small and medium-sized companies in Norrbotten strategic support, funding, and expertise for international expansion.

Team Sweden Norrbotten – aka RES Norrbotten 2.0, formerly Regional Export Cooperation – is part of Sweden’s foreign trade strategy, empowering global competitiveness and driving sustainable regional growth through accessible internationalization support. Coordinated by Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce, we connect businesses with trade partners and provide tailored guidance for successful market entry. Working with Team Sweden partners at regional, national, and international levels, we help businesses succeed in global markets. Learn more here.

Empower your business to succeed internationally with our EU-funded assistance. Learn more about our open call: Business Support for Internationalization

Team Sweden Norrbotten – RES Norrbotten 2.0 is made possible with funding from:

Previous Trade Talks & Trade Webinars


“De-risking” and “nearshoring” are becoming increasingly important for Swedish companies, with Mexico emerging as a key player. Its strategic location, skilled workforce, business-friendly climate, and 14 free trade agreements attract global companies. With a population of 128 million, private consumption grew by 4.7% (2022–2024) despite global economic uncertainty. Sweden and Mexico have a long tradition of multilateral cooperation, but now is the time to strengthen bilateral ties and explore new growth opportunities. During this webinar, market experts and the Mexican Embassy in Sweden provide a comprehensive overview of the market, its opportunities, and challenges.
This Trade Talk is held in English, organized by Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, in February 2025.


As one of the fastest growing economies in Europe, Spain is an attractive market for Swedish companies, but also a commercial gateway to Latin America. Spain is the third largest recipient of greenfield projects in Europe, which creates great synergies and interesting business opportunities, especially through the green sustainable transition ongoing in the northern parts of Sweden, Finland & Norway. Sectors for potential cross-border trade and cooperation include for example ICT, automotive, aerospace, chemicals, banking, life science, healthcare, as well as digitalization, safety, and process optimization of the private and public sectors. During this webinar, leading experts explore business opportunities and talk about how to navigate the Spanish market, providing insights, business cases, and best practices to companies seeking to expand into Spain.
This Trade Talk is held in English, organized by Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce, in November 2024.


Norway is one of Sweden’s most important trading partners in several areas and a given market with great business opportunities for many companies. As a nearby market with a relatively similar business culture, the step is not far but still associated with challenges. Norway is not part of the EU and the single market, which is why it is extra important to be well versed in import duties, VAT rules, regulations regarding company establishment, etc. The Swedish companies are not infreaquently surprised by this administrative hassle. During this webinar, leading experts will explore business opportunities and talk about how to navigate the Norwegian market, providing insights, business cases and best practices to companies seeking to expand into Norway.
This Trade Talk is held in Swedish, organized by West Sweden Chamber of Commerce & Jönköping Chamber of Commerce, in September 2024.


As one of the world´s ten largest economies, France offers vast opportunities for Swedish businesses, particularly in industries where Swedish innovation and quality are highly sought after, such as digitization, 5G technology, fiber connectivity, and energy solutions. France is an attractive market with a favorable investment climate, well-functioning infrastructure, and a highly skilled workforce. France can also serve as a gateway to parts of the French-speaking Caribbean and Africa. During this webinar, leading experts will explore business opportunities and talk about how to navigate the French market, provide insights, company cases and best practices to Swedish companies seeking to expand into France.
This Trade Talk is held in English, organized by Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce, in May 2024.


Are you interested in exploring business opportunities opened up by Finland’s and Sweden’s recent NATO memberships? Did you know that approximately 30-50 percent of all the purchases done by the defence forces are products that have civilian use. Who should join? Any company providing solutions for defence forces and/or looking to explore business opportunities with NATO member countries, and especially interested in expanding to the North American markets. During this expert session your company will gain valuable insights into: 1) The workings of NATO and the spending of its member countries, 2) How and what NATO procures, including deep-dives into markets like USA and Canada, and 3) Best practices & company cases from Finland, Norway & Estonia that already have done successful business with defence forces in the NATO member countries
This Trade Webinar is held in English, organized by Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce, in close cooperation with Nordic Traiding House, in May 2024.


The superlatives can be many when talking about India: it’s the world’s most populated country, has the fastest-growing major economy, and is projected to rank as the third largest economy by 2027. India is indeed a market that most companies should consider – and have a strategy for.
India declaring Sweden last year as one of twelve explicitly prioritized markets makes the potential for mutually beneficial business relations even better. With its expansive market and a growing middle class, India opens potential in most areas, whether it involves advanced manufacturing, outsourcing services, or the sale of industrial or consumer products. Learn more about how your company can benefit from this dynamic market at our Trade Talks!
This Trade Talk is held in English, organized by West Sweden Chamber of Commerce in April 2024.


Germany is the world’s fourth largest industrialized country with 84 million residents. The average purchasing power per capita exceeds that of Sweden, and four German regions have a higher GDP than our country in total. It is hardly surprising that our most important trade partner is called Europe’s economic engine. The economic ties between Sweden and Germany are strong, and more than 1 500 Swedish companies and subsidiaries are already on the German market. Germany is also the country that invests the most in Sweden, with over 1 000 subsidiaries in the Swedish market. Germany is a country with strong and well-functioning value chains, and it can be a challenge for Swedish companies to find a place within these value chains, whereby it is important to be well prepared before entering the market and have the know how to navigate the regional differences within the German market.
This Trade Talk is held in Swedish, with subtitles in English, organized by Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce & German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce in March 2024.


Brazil is an important strategic trading partner for Sweden due to its extensive economy and large market potential. Over the years, Sweden and Brazil have established strong bilateral collaborations in areas such as research, innovation, and sustainable development, which further strengthens the established trade relations.
At this Trade Talk, we shed light on the Brazilian market and the political map in Brazil, as well as examine its consequences, challenges, and opportunities for Swedish companies that already have a presence on the market or wish to establish themselves there.
This Trade Talk is held in English, organized by Stockholm Chamber of Commerce in September 2023.


Swedish companies have many reasons to expand to Canada. It is the world’s 10th largest economy with over 37 million residents. The industry structure and business culture share many similarities with Sweden. We share values like equality, diversity, and sustainability. The common grounds open new business opportunities, synergies and collaborations within tech and innovation, among other things.
Like Sweden, Canada is a resource-based country. Some of the country’s largest industries are mining, water supply, forestry, energy, oil, and gas. During this webinar, leading experts within internationalization talk about the Canadian market and what Swedish companies should think about when looking west.
This Trade Talk is held in English, organized by Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce in June 2023.


Nederländerna anses vara en av de mest öppna ekonomierna i världen och ligga i absolut framkant vad gäller teknologisk utveckling och innovation. Landet är det mest tätbefolkade i EU (efter Malta) med en infrastruktur som ofta omnämns vara bäst i Europas, inkluderat Europas största hamn.
Såsom närliggande marknad med stark köpkraft och konkurrenskraftigt affärsklimat anses det vara en mycket bra ingång till norra Europa bland svenska företag. Vad gäller affärskultur och språk så har svenska företag också relativt enkelt att etablera sig, varför det är ett naturligt steg efter hemma regionen Norden. Lyssna till experter och företag för en uppdatering kring marknaden och affärsmöjligheter!
Detta Trade Talk arrangerades på svenska av Västsvenska Handelskammaren i april 2023.


Finland is one of the most important markets for Sweden. For a long time, we have had strong business relations and in many areas our operations are integrated with each other. This is an advantage for Swedish companies that want to explore the Finnish market, as the threshold for market establishment is low.
Globally, Finland is strong in technology and innovation, that creates a wide range of business opportunities in several different sectors. Swedish products and services are appreciated in Finland, thanks to the markets geographical proximity and the likeminded Nordic societies. Take part of business opportunities in Finland and what Swedish companies should think about when entering the Finnish market.
This Trade Talk is held in English, organized by Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce in December 2022.


Zero COVID-19 Policy, samt ekonomiska och geopolitiska utmaningar till trots, så är Kina fortfarande världens näst största ekonomi, med den potential, möjligheter, och utmaningar för svenska företag det innebär.
Detta Trade Talk arrangerades på svenska av Stockholms Handelskammaren i oktober 2022.


USA – landet som är världens största ekonomi och även världens största importör av varor och tjänster. Därtill världens största konsumentmarknad med 325 miljoner människor. För Sverige är USA den största exportmarknaden utanför EU och därmed en av de viktigaste marknaderna för svenska företag. Välkommen att ta del av vårt webinar där vi sätter fokus på USA.
Tillsammans med experter på området får vi en uppdatering kring aktuellt läge, affärsmöjligheter och marknadens fortsatta utveckling. De kommer även ge svar på frågorna vad man som svenskt företag bör tänka på vid export till USA, framgångsfaktorer på marknaden och reda ut om det finns några handelshinder.
Detta Trade Talk arrangerades på svenska av Östsvenska Handelskammaren i november 2022.


Storbritannien är fortsatt efter Brexit en av Sveriges viktigaste handelspartners. Genom svenska handelskammaren i London ger vi dig en uppdatering kring Storbritanniens utveckling och affärsmöjligheter inom de olika branscher som är på frammarsch. Likaså har vi med oss experter kopplat till Brexit som ger en uppdatering, hur svenska företag påverkas och vad ni behöver tänka på.
Detta Trade Talk arrangerades på svenska av Västsvenska Handelskammaren i juni 2022.