
Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce

Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce is a business organization owned, run and financed by our member companies. Our mission is to promote business growth in Norrbotten and ensure that our region is an attractive place to grow your business and international trade. We represent our member companies interests within three major focus areas: infrastructure, trade (international, national, and regional), skills- and capacity building. Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce is independent from political, commercial and individual interest as our agenda is determined by our member companies. We have over 330 member companies in Norrbotten, with a combined turnover of 132bn SEK and around 28 000.




Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce was established in 1904 and has over 120 years of experience representing and promoting companies in Norrbotten locally, nationally, and globally. While the world around us has changed, our mission has remained the same. As stated in the 1916 mission statement, our main objective is to “further the general interests of trade, industry and maritime organisations and to act as their representative to state authorities”. Today, we act as a bridge between companies and policymakers and advocate on behalf of our members. We provide a network for companies, host major events and roundtable discussions and ensure that the business community and public sector interact.

Three Main Areas


A well-functioning, reliable and robust infrastructure is fundamental for companies in Norrbotten. Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce advocate and work to ensure that our infrastructure is up to par.

International trade

Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce work to promote international trade, and help businesses interantionalize. If your company is ready to take the next step and expand to a new market, Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce can help. We provide access to a global business network, and help companies go global.


Future employees are a competitive edge, and maintaining and building a qualified workforce is a top priority for our member companies. To assist our members we organize lectures and seminars and manage networks for building business relationships and sharing expertise.

About Norrbotten

Norrbotten is an export intense region with a strong base industry and respource based economy. Around 65% of Sweden’s raw material export derives from Norrbotten, and the region is prominent in sectors such as renewable energy, space research, winter vehicle testing, big data, and tourism. The region is experiencing significant growth as large investments and a re-industrialization is shaping the future of our region. Reports indicate investments of 1050bn SEK in Norrbotten until the year 2040.

Quick facts:

  • 250 000 residents
  • 98,245 km² – which is 25% of Sweden’s total area, and larger than Portugal, Austria, and Hungary
  • Borders both Finland & Norway
  • 14 self-governing municipalities, one regional council responsible for public health care and regional development
  • 5 airports, 4 cargo ports including Narvik in Norway, 3 combi terminals
  • Approximately 350 exporting companies
  • 34 000 people working in the export sector


If you habe any questions, you are welcome to contact us!


Norrbottens Handelskammare
Kyrkogatan 13
972 32 Luleå, Sweden
[email protected]