
CALL 1 – Business Support for Internationalization


Call 1:  2024-02-06 – 2024-04-30


Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) headquartered and/or operating in Norrbotten planning to expand to global markets.


Tailored support and guidance for companies seeking to expand globally on markets outside of Sweden. Entails support from locally connected market experts in a wide range of topics such as strengthening company market readiness, go-to-market-plan, and B2B matchmaking.


Business Support Internationalization is a tailored opportunity for SME companies to work together with local consultants in one by the company selected market outside Sweden. It can be about completely new internationalization efforts or follow-ups to previous efforts.

The actual needs of the companies govern what the effort will include. But the efforts can entail for example market entry strategy, market growth strategy, market research & choice, benchmarking, competition analysis, partner search, distributor search, customer search, market penetration, practical establishment, etc.

The tailored process is fully managed by Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with our partners and internationalization experts. The range of support may vary in accordance with company needs and is made possible through EU-funding, as well as national and regional development funds, in efforts to empower global competitiveness of companies in Norrbotten.

Applying companies are required to commit time and resources to ensure a successful process. Please note that companies applying for support will go through a selection process and are subject to EU de minimis regulation. There is no separate fee for participation from the company, but the company is responsible for its travel expenses for relevant meetings and similar efforts.

The company’s participation in this program (Step 1) is valued at a (de minimis) amount of SEK 95 000 excl. VAT. This corresponds approximately eight (8) days of external consulting in one by the company selected growth market outside Sweden, with the reservation that the support needs to be tailored to specific company needs.


Business Support Internationalization is part of the RES Norrbotten 2.0 program and financed by EU-funds, Tillväxtverket & Region Norrbotten. Regional Export Cooperation (RES) offers tailored support and guidance for companies seeking to expand to global markets. It is a formal part of the Swedish Trade Strategy and Regional Development Strategy in Norrbotten. RES Norrbotten 2.0 program is a collaboration between Norrbottens Handelskammare, Business Sweden, Exportkreditnämnden, LTU Business/European Enterprise Network, Almi Nord, IUC Norr and RISE.


Please start by filling out the form in English and we will get back to you after our initial assessment. We assess the applications continuously, but only during the specific call periods. When we have made the initial assessment, your company will receive an email with information to fill in the EU de minimis-certificate. The selection process is dependent on Tillväxtverket’s approval of the de minimis-certificate. Before that we cannot proceed with any actions.

5 - 30 februari


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