

As one of the world´s ten largest economies, France offers vast opportunities for Swedish businesses, particularly in industries where Swedish innovation and quality are highly sought after, such as digitization, 5G technology, fiber connectivity, and energy solutions. Sweden’s trade relations with France have steadily expanded, and a number of Swedish companies and subsidiaries are already present in the French market.

France is an attractive market with a favorable investment climate, well-functioning infrastructure, and a highly skilled workforce with large investments in the tech sector. France can also serve as a gateway to parts of the French-speaking Caribbean and Africa.

French organizations often have a strict hierarchy, and the business culture and communication are usually more formal than in Sweden. The French also enjoy lively discussions and negotiating. It is important to build good relationships with French business partners, but also be aware of the cultural differences.

During this webinar, leading experts will explore business opportunities and talk about how to navigate the French market, provide insights, company cases and best practices to Swedish companies seeking to expand into France.


Intro to International Trade & Business development in Norrbotten – Sabrina Suikki & Helen Sundqvist, Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce

Business Opportunities in France – Katarina Lööf, Managing Director, Chambre de Commerce Suédoise en France – CCSF

Faux Pas in Business Culture between the Nordics & France – Charlotte Loyau-Kahn, General Manager & French-Nordic Business Expert, Scandi Bureau

Best Practices & Successful Market Entry to France – Fredrik Edström, Country Manager, Livi France

Conclusions & Takeaways from our Experts – Sabrina Suikki & Helen Sundqvist, Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce


This webinar is held in English. You can take part live during the webinar or see the recording afterwards.


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Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce

This webinar is part of the RES Norrbotten 2.0 program and financed by EU-funds, Tillväxtverket & Region Norrbotten. Regional Export Cooperation (RES) offers tailored support and guidance for companies seeking to expand to global markets. It is a formal part of the Swedish Trade Strategy and Regional Development Strategy in Norrbotten. RES Norrbotten 2.0 program is a collaboration between Norrbottens Handelskammare, Business Sweden, Exportkreditnämnden, LTU Business/European Enterprise Network, Almi Nord and IUC Norr.



Trade Talks by Swedish Chambers is a joint initiative by the regional Chambers of Commerce in Sweden. It consists of webinar series hosted by experienced experts from our chamber network worldwide. Through Trade Talks you get access to the latest updates and analysis on current markets. The webinars are built in dialogue with experts from both Swedish and foreign Chambers of Commerce, other relevant market experts, as well as companies and organizations that can provide experience and lessons learned from respective markets. You can choose to take part of the webinars live or see them digitally afterwards.





Handelskammaren Jönköpings län  Mellansvenska Handelskammaren  Handelskammaren Mittsverige  Handelskammaren Mälardalen Norrbottens Handelskammare Stockholms Handelskammare  Handelskammaren Värmland  Västerbottens Handelskammare  Västsvenska Handelskammaren  Östsvenska Handelskammaren 

30 maj

10:00 - 11:30

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