
Webinar: European core network corridors going global

European core network corridors are going global. As transport corridors are extended and connected to global infrastructure, new possibilities and challenges are arising. How will this affect the flow of goods, and what needs to be done to ensure cost-effectiveness and reliability? This webinar offers new insights on, and useful knowledge about, European core network corridors from a Nordic perspective.

Date: Friday, February 26th
Time: 10:00-12:00 (CET/UTC+1)

Place: Digital

Target audience: politicians, policy makers and stakeholders

The digital webinar will be held in English. It is free of charge, but registration is required for us to be able to send out the meeting link to registered participants.
The link will be sent out the day before the webinar.

Speakers during the webinar are experts and high-level representatives from the European Union and Nordic Parliaments. During the round table discussion, regional as well as national representatives from Finland, Norway and Sweden will be participating. Lotta Rönström from North Sweden European Office and Joakim Berg from the Bothnian Corridor will moderate the event.

Program during the webinar:

10:00 – Welcome.
Lotta Rönström, North Sweden European Office & Joakim Berg, the Bothnian Corridor.
10:10 – The extension of Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) corridors in northern Europe.
Vera Kissler, advisor to European Coordinator for the TEN-T North Sea-Baltic Corridor.
10:20 – Connecting Europe to a global transport network.
Johan Danielsson & Jakop Dalunde, Members of the European Parliament.
10:40 – East-West connections in the north, possibilities and challenges.
Anders Lundberg, senior advisor at Railadvise.
10:50 – Regional view of corridors and development in Northern Finland.
Mirja Vehkaperä, Chairman of the City Board of Oulo & Member of European Committee of the Regions.
11:00 – Swedish perspective.
Speaker to be confirmed.
11:10 – Norwegian perspective; Border crossing infrastructure for business development in the north.
Jørn Eldby, General Manager, BA-Center North at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
11:20 – Finnish perspective on the TEN-T Core Network Corridors Extension.
Marko Mäenpää, Transport system specialist, Finnish Transport and Communications Agency, Traficom.
11:30 – Round table discussion, moderated by Joakim Berg.
Confirmed speakers: Marko Mäenpää, transport system specialist. Ida Karkiainen, Member of the Swedish Parliament. Nils Olov Lindfors, regional counselor in Norrbotten. Åsunn Lyngedal, Member of Norwegian Parliament. Signe Eikenes, Project Chief, Concept Selection Study – North-Norwegian Infrastructure.
11:50 – Summary and final comments.
Johan Danielsson & Jakop Dalunde, Members of the European Parliament. Lotta Rönström, North Sweden European Office.


This event is an initiative by the Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce, the Bothnian Corridor, North Sweden European Office and BusinessOulo.


This webinar is an acitivity within the Export Cooperation Sweden-Finland project.

Export Cooperation Sweden Finland is a Cross-border organizational cooperation, that helps companies in northern Finland and Sweden to find new and profitable business opportunities, export activities and to enter a global market. The aim is to increase cross-border cooperation and awareness among supporting organizations of exporting and we believe that with a transnational cooperation we can help companies to access more extensive and accessible services than just at local level. The companies we want to involve will be companies that mainly are into an eco-system of innovation or academy.

Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce is the Swedish project leader in this cross-border collaboration project, with BusinessOulo as the head project leader.

Funders on the Swedish side include Interreg Nord, Tillväxtverket and Region Norrbotten.

26 februari

10:00 - 12:00


This is a digital event
Please register through
the link below
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